Mamas, Let's Be Intentional This Summer

It is so easy to get caught up in the moment. Parenting is hard. It's nitty gritty. It's exhausting. Even once we exit the trenches of baby-and-toddlerdom, it's still rough. The challenges change, but there are hurdles to surmount nonetheless. It's so easy to get caught up in the moment. Adulting is hard. Work, marriage, running a household, paying bills on time, meeting expectations and deadlines... it's enough to make one wish they were a bear and it was winter and hibernation were in order. But seriously. Life is hard. Sometimes, we trudge through life the best we can. Sometimes we use autopilot. We feed our kids, clean our homes (perhaps), and manage to not strangle our spouse. Yet life was not meant to be merely survived. We were made to thrive. When we are intentional about parenting, for example, we pour ourselves into raising our kids. We set goals. What specific things do you want to accomplish with your children this summer? D...